The November 17 strip shows the desk clerk yelling to the psychiatrist that “he looks like a real you-know-what” Mental illness is just like cancer, it’s a disease. Mental illness often results in a person’s dimimished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life. With one in five in families that have a member that suffers from a mental disease, couldn’t Tom and Tom II find better ways to try to make people laugh. Mental illness is not funny.
hcrobin85 about 16 years ago
Now they are just running out of ideas!!!!!
namilane about 16 years ago
The November 17 strip shows the desk clerk yelling to the psychiatrist that “he looks like a real you-know-what” Mental illness is just like cancer, it’s a disease. Mental illness often results in a person’s dimimished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life. With one in five in families that have a member that suffers from a mental disease, couldn’t Tom and Tom II find better ways to try to make people laugh. Mental illness is not funny.
mrprongs about 16 years ago
Who said he had a mental illness? it was vague enough to mean anything.