Paige: Let's see... should I wear my teal sweater today?... My fuchsia sweater today?... or maybe my mocha sweater today?...
Andy: Well, considering it'll be mid-summer by the time you decide...
Andy: Ok, then, should I wear my teal tank top today?
angelboy12 almost 16 years ago
I guess swirly things happen to be the official design of all teal articles of clothing. Or maybe its the swirly things that make the clothes teal.
tbree almost 16 years ago
To be able to make up one’s mind, you first have to have one.
Northwoodser almost 16 years ago
Goes to show that you don’t need coloring in a comic strip.
Smiley Rmom almost 16 years ago
I beg to differ - color would have really enhanced this strip! Of course, maybe the guy doing the coloring didn’t know what colors teal, fuchsia and mocha are?
attyush almost 16 years ago
@tbree: Paige has a prodigious amount of brain. That’s why it is taking her this long to make up her mind.
Happens to me all the time. Not with dresses though, because I wear whichever is clean (read least smelly, and usually that limits my choices pretty effectively)
Wrathleader almost 16 years ago
attyush, your comment is highly ironic considering your avatar.
alyssaanne007 almost 16 years ago
this is one of favorites!