Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for October 13, 2009

  1. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 15 years ago

    just as it always works. integrity sold away.

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  2. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    Then you’ll have to up the ante, won’t you?

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  3. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    Yeah, just pay him enough and he’ll recommend it too!

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    If it were true, generics would never get off the ground.

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  5. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  over 15 years ago

    Four out of five doctors say….”Turn off the TV Zig”. and get out and excercise….

     •  Reply
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