Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for April 17, 2011

  1. One moses
    DrMoses  almost 14 years ago

    Cute Ziggy!!! Is that like another chance? I suppose if we all had opportunities to go back to the beginning and start over again it would make a difference. Maybe not in the Post Office though. By the time you get to the next window the price of stamps have changed.

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  2. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 14 years ago

    Hey, don’t knock the USPS. Have they taken a dime of your taxes in the last 33 year? Now the DMV, not only is it state supported, but have you ever left in less than 3 hours and $100 poorer?

    “Number 4875. You have the wrong form. Go to line 5, get form 38456F, fill it out, and get to the end of this line. Thank you. Number 4876”

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  3. Avatar 3
    pcolli  almost 14 years ago

    Why is it that, at the busiest times, post offices, banks, supermarkets etc. all have less people working where it matters?

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  4. One moses
    DrMoses  almost 14 years ago

    You are right Lewreader! Ziggy is toting a PINK SLIP he must be at the DMV. Or maybe his Pink Slip is for filing unemployment benefits. Whatever the case maybe we all know how you feel ZIG!

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  5. Gedc0161
    gofinsc  almost 14 years ago

    At least he’ll get some exercise and be healthy.

    Walmart: 30 cash register, 6 open. 4 self-check on each end, but never open. You buy cheap, you get cheap. Except Wally ain’t that cheap any more.

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  6. N211317039976 6359
    trekkermint  almost 14 years ago

    went to our usps office for a change of address form it’s now in a big thick advertising circular for lowe’s looked like junk mail

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    Woody157  almost 14 years ago

    Last night on the news a man was refueling his car . With only half tank pumped the station pump STOPED! When it restarted the pricie had gone up 6 cents / gal. At least he didn’t have to go to the end of line of a noter pump.

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    Brother_James437  almost 14 years ago

    Hto be a goverment agency that’s supose to help people in need.

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    Brother_James437  almost 14 years ago

    has to be a goverment office that’s set up to help those in need.

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    comicnut4636  almost 14 years ago

    Maybe Ziggy is at an IRS office.

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  11. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 14 years ago

    Eventually you will get it right, Ziggy. Maybe not in this lifetime though!

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    mrcharmander934  almost 14 years ago

    Wow. Hopefully Ziggy will break free of it and run.

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