I was more like Teena in my teenage years then the teenagers. Those who acted like Jeri and her friends were not worth my time to worry about being popular, I had stuff to do, friends to do it with. Constantly on the move, still am today only a little slower. One of my favorite comics said that’ ADD is bad when you are old; your mind is doing backflips while your body is creaking.’
Charles Brobst Premium Member about 15 years ago
so immature!
alondra about 15 years ago
What did I tell you about a good book Teena?
grinstoya about 15 years ago
Being cool and on display… full time job for some teen girls… no smiling Teena.
newworldmozart about 15 years ago
I was more like Teena in my teenage years then the teenagers. Those who acted like Jeri and her friends were not worth my time to worry about being popular, I had stuff to do, friends to do it with. Constantly on the move, still am today only a little slower. One of my favorite comics said that’ ADD is bad when you are old; your mind is doing backflips while your body is creaking.’
grapestain100 about 15 years ago
oh brother !
Asrial about 15 years ago
Ah, the joy of teenagers. Pretty sson they’ll be “too cool to care” at least they’ll want everyone to think so.
Ashrey about 15 years ago
newworld, did you not know the difference between then and than then either?