PreTeena by Allison Barrows for February 05, 2010

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    alondra  about 15 years ago

    Cook all of it and freeze part of it.

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    Plods with ...â„¢  about 15 years ago

    Amen Mac…….

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    JacaByte  about 15 years ago

    Dude, you know how hard it is to cut a frozen turkey?

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    andymeijers  about 15 years ago

    ‘Dude, you know how hard it is to cut a frozen turkey?’

    Actually, yes. That is why they invented Sawzalls. (Freshly cleaned, with a new degreased blade, of course- I’m not a redneck.) A bandsaw, like commercial butchers use, would work even better.

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    notinksanymore  about 15 years ago

    We turn our leftovers into other things. From turkey I would make soup, chili, and tacos, and of course, tons of sandwiches. I love turkey sandwiches made with real roast turkey instead of the deli stuff.

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    alondra  about 15 years ago

    Jacabyte I figure you’d know to thaw it out after freezing when you were ready to use it. I never did freeze mine though, once we gave away the dark meat we had plenty of white meat for sandwiches and stuff and ran out before we got tired of it.

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    gimmickgenius  about 15 years ago

    Wow! Jeri with no makeup. Her swollen lower lip is gone.

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