Wow, that went to a dark place.
See what stick said?
That’s a horrible thing to do Teena, I thought Stick was your friend.
716PMedGuy hit it on the nose – the word is ectomorph and Stick IS an ectomorph. Teena was correct.
Duh. How is Sabra (Stick) an ectomorph?
TheSoundDefense almost 11 years ago
Wow, that went to a dark place.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 11 years ago
See what stick said?
716PMedGuy almost 11 years ago
alondra almost 11 years ago
That’s a horrible thing to do Teena, I thought Stick was your friend.
Ushindi almost 11 years ago
716PMedGuy hit it on the nose – the word is ectomorph and Stick IS an ectomorph. Teena was correct.
karanne almost 11 years ago
Duh. How is Sabra (Stick) an ectomorph?