Prickly City by Scott Stantis for August 28, 2008

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    kimcowboys  over 16 years ago

    Hate to tell you- the convention is at the Pepsi Center not Invesco field.

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    grosemond1  over 16 years ago

    The speech tonight is at the Field, not the Center.

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  3. Hix8jcafq38ykcahzgk4ica7yjqwncanznwn0cabhg37sca0xdg9wcaq7nrxyca1i6mytca0ckoyhcagkcf42ca01k9zkcazaaft5ca1b4kj3cab3vjvkcafw5x50caylpbjfcau0pghjcayzqgx5carfgc37
    hcrobin85  over 16 years ago

    True, but Obama did speak at Invesco Field yesterday!

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    TheFurnace  over 16 years ago

    Yeah, better watch out - black man in a crowd! Everybody watch your wallets! Nice racist ā€œjoke,ā€ Stantis.

    Can someone fire him please?

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  5. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    Stantis should have quit this strip and stuck with ā€œThe Bucketsā€ instead. Heā€™s approaching ā€œMallard Fillmoreā€ for lack of humor and is headed for Carl Moore territory.

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    inertman  over 16 years ago

    hey thefurnace, itā€™s not about blacks, itā€™s about dems! get a clue! and itā€™s not just about taxing everything til it hurts. itā€™s about the demsā€™ socialism and the redistribution of wealth. if you have money, they want to take it and give it to people who ā€˜deserve itā€.

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