Prickly City by Scott Stantis for January 23, 2009

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    Yeh, go watch faux, they say he’s the devil incarnate.

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    42Irish Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Oooh, The messiah, President Placebo, will rain hellfire down on you Stantis!

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    TheFurnace  about 16 years ago

    Yeah because when Joe Scarborough isn’t spending his 3 hours every morning endorsing torture he’s praising Obama. Huh?

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  4. Honk if you hate dallas
    briankblough  about 16 years ago

    Doctortoon-I wasn’t going to touch this one, but now I feel I must. It is NOT the consvervatives who are making him out to be a “Messiah” it is those who elected him, and have set unrealistic expectations of him. I am very willing to give him a chance, but remember that so far, with the exception of signing a few bills, all he has done is get himself elected. Again, I will be patient and give him a chance, but don’t blame us conservatives for placing him on a pedestal. You liberals have done an outstanding job of that so far…

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    TexasConservativeMom  about 16 years ago

    Redskins fan stated my thought. All conservatives have done is point out the extreme worship of Obama by his supporters, the liberal media and the world. I have never seen anything quite as ubiquitious as the praise for someone who has accomplished little. I, too, will allow him time to either accomplish something or screw up. But I will never exhibit the irrational hatred that has been shown toward President Bush. From the protests at his inauguration to calling him a “selected” President, booing him during Obama’s inauguration, throwing eggs at his limo, laughing at Cheney in his wheelchair, etc liberals have demostrated how classless and immature they actually can be. I’m proud to be an American who can put aside ideology and behave like a rational, patriotic American regardless who is in the oval office. I am proud of the fact that President Bush has kept us safe since 9-11, and proud of the manner in which he conducted himself throughout his terms and on Obama’s big day. And the fact that HIS staff didn’t trash the White House facilities like another former President’s did. You see, liberals, that is how adults are supposed to act.

    And another thing regarding Fox News: they were the ONLY network to show Bush’s return to Texas and show his speech there. NO OTHER network did, though when Clinton left they all followed him to Arkansas - I remember because I was getting annoyed when they kept switching away from the Bush inauguration. So if that doesn’t further prove an already known fact that the media has a distinct liberal bias then I don’t know what will.

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  6. Honk if you hate dallas
    briankblough  about 16 years ago

    TexasConservativeMom-Thanks! I am a proud Air Force veteran an you expressed yourself very eloquently.

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  7. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 16 years ago

    I’ll point this out for those that are calling Obama “the Messiah”:

    The reason that there is praise for Obama is due to the bar that was set so low that someone that can pronounce “Abu Ghraib” correctly looks like a genius.

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  8. Cats
    B0B_E  about 16 years ago

    What about the reporter that claimed it sounded like god speaking at the inauguration? And the lady who claimed he would make it so she would never have to worry about paying for gas or paying her mortgage again? That isn’t worship?

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  9. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 16 years ago

    “That isn’t worship?”

    No. No, it isn’t.

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    wowfactor  about 16 years ago

    One has to agree with you all; meat eaters, vegans, sun-bathers, music-lovers, reality show pushers, dilbert fans. Whatever you love or hate. The bar was definitely set low, some people hold our new president too high and too low. Every one of us are in every category in some way shape or form. Stop blaming the conservatives, the republicans, the democrats, the liberals, the cats, dogs, birds, & ferrets. Step away from your little corner and be part of the solution.

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  11. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 16 years ago

    Who’s blaming my cat?! I am the only one that gets to blame my cat for things!

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    Muchak  about 16 years ago

    I hate to ask this .. but .. umm .. can we still blame the ferrets? Those things give me the willies!

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  13. Lionhead rabbit 0037 1
    FireWrath  about 16 years ago

    I just have to say be prepared for this country start looking more like Canada and Europe!

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    sgspurr  about 16 years ago

    right on!

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  15. Dondi
    Cjoey-joe-joe  about 16 years ago

    There is no greater informed person – neither politically nor culturally – than a) readers of ‘Prickly City’ and b) readers of ‘Prickly City’ who comment at gocomics.

    We are all AWESOME.

    But not as AWESOME as the liberal media makes out Obama to be!

    Am I right, people? I said, “Am I right?!”

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  16. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 16 years ago


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  17. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Cjoey-joe-joe, YOU ARE RIGHT!

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  18. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 16 years ago

    TexasConservativeMom, YOU GO GIRL! VERY WELL PUT!!

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    talbotbugman  about 16 years ago

    I agree with TexasConservativeMom. The media has covered Obama more than any other person or event in a long time. And has only just begun his job. PLEASE remember he is the President of the USA and deserves the respect that the office has, and Please pray for him, that he does what is right, and that he remembers that he has to answer to a higher power, God, for his actions.

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    jmworacle  about 16 years ago

    I thought “Faux” and NSNBC were one in the same?

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  21. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 16 years ago

    talbotbugman, I agree, but I get so sick & tired of hearing how the media is fair and balanced. Faux (FOX) seems to be the only network that at least tries to be.

    jmworacle, And NSNBC (typo?) it’s MSNBC is owned by NBC not FOX. Obama won this election due to the BIASED, BRAZZEN, coverage of him! He** they even turned against Hillary in his favor! I closely watched this election, viewed all the major network coverage. The media played a MAJOR ROLE in getting him elected! And as I’ve said before, he’s a good speaker, charismatic, he can talk the talk, BUT WILL HE BE ABLE TO WALK THE WALK!!??

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    tobybartels  about 16 years ago

    #1 redskins fan: I'm glad to read that you're going to give him a chance; you seem to have overcome your despair from the day of the inauguration.

    However, Obama has done more than simply sign bills. He's signed executive orders, which begin to have effect immediately. The most important, in my opinion, is the order to pause the kangaroo-court ‘military commission’ trials of Gitmo prisoners; in particular, the United States will not be the first modern first-world country to try a child (Omar Khadr) for war crimes. More here:

    I must say that Obama has already exceeded my expectations. (But then, I've kept my expectations low.)

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  23. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  about 16 years ago

    “so far, with the exception of signing a few bills, all he has done is get himself elected.”

    It’s been half a week. What do you expect, miracles? Though McCain was right, the Obamas are no better than Paris Hilton. They just release dolls of Malia and Sasha. They’re too young to start getting out of control egos. They’ll be the Bush twins in a decade. And all of this is unfair to Obama, as everybody expects instant miracles, which won’t happen. Obama can’t just wave his hand and make everything all better. All this will do is cause people to think blacks can’t be president after all. Which will spill over into women.

    Now, why do people draw Obama with such big ears?

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  24. Lionhead rabbit 0037 1
    FireWrath  about 16 years ago

    Every where you go there are Obama shirts, plates, books…etc..

    I want a Reagan plate or a W. shirt.

    I can not go anywhere and not see someone wearing a Obama shirt…and the stickers are popping up on every car. Get off the Kool Aid wagon people!

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