Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 30, 2005

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    kaystari Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Why are you so blissfully unaware that Christianity was the leading front runner of science, all the scientists were Christians, and the Church did not impede them at all. Read “Faith and Reason” by Benedict XVI and see how all true science is not opposed to religion but supported by it. Really Wiley, for someone who claims to be so pro-truth and anti-DUH, you really need to do more research on these matters rather than stand by your own personal vendetta against things you don’t like or agree with.

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    Crocc  almost 13 years ago

    How about you. Have you read history at all? For centuries Christian church was opposed to all science that contradicted the Bible. There are many examples in history telling this for example Galileo Galilei. Also not all scientist were Christians. There have been great muslim and jewish scientist. Einstein for example was Jewish. There has been times that Church was proscience but those times didn’t last long.

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