Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for August 30, 2008
Danae: I find geography to be VERY offensive! Joe Pyle: Oh, I can't wait to hear this rationalization. Danae: While learning the stupid state capitals, I noticed there's a Boise, Idaho, but there's not a Girlsie anywhere in the country!! No justice, no homework!! Joe Pyle: I'll alert the A.C.L.U. Danae: And I find mockery of my being offended offensive.
MizT over 16 years ago
There is, however, a “Gurley, Alabama”
Ben1776 over 16 years ago
Reminds me when my daughter used to get upset that there were Boisenberries but no girlsenberries. Her Brothers relished eating their Boisenberries while she fumed.
B0B_E over 16 years ago
Yep, start off with that liberal victimization early, so that you are offended by everything that doesn’t go your way. Then get someone to make a law so you are never offended again..
ttfn2020 over 16 years ago
Are we now in “reruns”? This ran before as I have it printed at posted in my classroom - we teach about the states in 5th Grade.
Shargad over 16 years ago
I do remember seeing a notice a while back that these are reruns during Wiley’s time off. My newspapaer stopped running the strip when the reruns began. But since I’m a neophyte, the reruns are okay for me.
Wiley creator over 16 years ago
We have been in reruns for the past 5 weeks. This is the last of them for this year.
Shargad over 16 years ago
And as to “political corectness”, it comes from the so-called right wing as well. Lefties don’t own the franchise. The worst one I’ve heard is, I think, the outcry when a local gummint official stated that a certian way of doing business was like “kiting a check”. There were screams from non-Jewish people that is was racist, blah-blah. The screamers, of course, were woefully ignorant, not knowing that the common term “kiting a check” refers to writing checks when one knows there are not sufficient funds to cover them. Has nothing to do with the pejorative term for Jew.
James8Love over 16 years ago
Absolutely … my favorite cartoon, always. Wiley Miller is the best. Our minds run on the same tracks. Pieces8
tobybartels over 16 years ago
Wait, are Jews definitely right-wing now? I remember when they were supposed to be lefties and anti-Semitism was right-wing, and I'm not that old (33). But I guess that, in a way, the whole world is Palestine right now.
Edit: Wait, I didn't notice before that it was NON-Jewish people complaining. Defending Jews from anti-Semitism that doesn't actually exist is definitely right-wing now.