Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 09, 2008

  1. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    If they want to interrogate prisoners, they should play political ads for them all day. Those guys would be babbling like idjits in no time.

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  2. Rocky bw 2 090507
    BirishB  over 16 years ago


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  3. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 16 years ago

    Yep, this would be my choice too.

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    LeonardWatson  over 16 years ago

    If they really wanted to torture prisoners they should force them to listen to Obama babble all day. Fifteen minutes into any Obama speech and the prisoners would go insane. Of course then they would actually think that anything Obama says really does make sense.

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    The_Rav  over 16 years ago

    Good choice, upside-down man. I’d be upside down, too.

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  6. Possum
    Possum Pete  over 16 years ago

    Yeah, that Obama sure can talk, you betcha, duh! Pit Bull, Hockey Mom, lipstick, duh! Associated with Terrorists, duh! You betcha (wink), duh!

    Yup, she’s a much better choice.

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  7. Tippy 008
    Tippy2  over 16 years ago

    Amen, brother!!

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  8. Hix8jcafq38ykcahzgk4ica7yjqwncanznwn0cabhg37sca0xdg9wcaq7nrxyca1i6mytca0ckoyhcagkcf42ca01k9zkcazaaft5ca1b4kj3cab3vjvkcafw5x50caylpbjfcau0pghjcayzqgx5carfgc37
    hcrobin85  over 16 years ago

    They should play debates for those at Gitmo!!

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    Kaero  over 16 years ago

    Looks good to me…but, then, I’m in grad school for theatre, so skipping the debates doesn’t do me any good…I just get to hear crappy Sarah Palin imitations every morning before class.

    At this point, I don’t care who wins. I just want this campaign OVER!

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    John Reppert  over 16 years ago


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    LeonardWatson  over 16 years ago

    Possum Pete: About all Obama can do is talk. With his silver tongue he has managed to convince many people that he should be president without ever once really saying anything of substance. He wants change, but he is unable to define what change would mean. Except of course to strip Americans of their rights and usher us into a one-world government. That is change we cannot stand for. Stop Obama now!

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  12. Gil avatar
    gaj1967  over 16 years ago

    I don’t want change. I want the whole bleeep dollar.

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  13. Celtic cross3
    DerekA  over 16 years ago

    Oh - I see “change” coming - I see Sen Obama keeping his promise of not raising taxes - he will just let the tax cuts expire. Yep and then he will take my “change”.

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  14. Awww
    Alexus_The_Great  over 16 years ago

    Gil: Do you want 4 more years of this same bleeep???

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    LeonardWatson  over 16 years ago

    Alexus: And what makes you think that putting McCain in office will result in four more years of the same? That is straight from the Obama illogic campaign. I got news for all of you Obama disciples: McCain is not George Bush. Really, he is a completely different person that will do things differently than G. Bush does. In fact, simply electing McCain would be change. So if you want change you can still vote for McCain, instead of handing our freedoms over to be stripped away.

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    robertolopez144  over 16 years ago

    I like it. Now Thats what you call, Political Satire, Oh, the humanity LOL!!! - you guys have all been saying the same thing since the beginning of Adam,this sounds familiar, and guess who’s going to win, Obama. All by the grace of God and Jesus Christ, no wonder children and women and even men are scared, so go on keep hating God will make more.

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  17. Buddy
    lalas  over 16 years ago

    Leonard… there are more specifics about Obama’s plans than McSame’s. In the debate McSame flim-flammed around with generalities while Obama made detailed points about a number of his plans.

    You must not have watched it.

    You could always go his website if you really cared, which you clearly don’t.

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  18. Buddy
    lalas  over 16 years ago

    Derek if you think about it… the republicans voted for the largest tax increase in history by voting for these ridiculously unsustainable tax cuts.

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    The_Rav  over 16 years ago

    If any of you think there is going to be any real change for the better, I’m sure someone will sell you a neat bridge in Brooklyn. Or, for you Bill Engval fans, if you really think there’s going to be real change for the better, here’s your sign.

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  20. Alife
    alife  over 16 years ago

    What’s the REAL difference?

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    tobybartels  over 16 years ago

    alife asks:

    What’s the REAL difference?

    I used to think that I'd prefer Obama to win over McCain, on the grounds that Obama was less likely to start yet another war. After all, McCain has basically promised to invade Iran. But Obama has basically promised to invade Pakistan, so … not much.

    Any of these people would do: I haven't decided yet whom I'll vote for, but it won't be a warmonger like Obama or McCain.

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    LeonardWatson  over 16 years ago

    lalas I did watch the debates, that is how I know that Osama would be a disaster of epic proportions that this country may never recover from. Osama will strip away your second amendment rights, stand in the way of traditional marriage and family, nominate activist justices to the Supreme court and lower courts, raise taxes, keep the invasion of illegal immigrants flowing freely into this country, pull our troops out of Iraq before they finish their job, and so much more. If you are proud to be an American and enjoy the rights and priviages that gives you there is no way you can vote for Osama. On the other hand if you let the liberal media tell you what to think then I guess you will be casting an uniformed vote for osama.

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  23. Buddy
    lalas  over 16 years ago

    Leonard – He is not going to “invade Pakistan.” If they know where a group of Al Qaeda are in the border regions and the Pakistanis can not or will not do anything about it they’ll surgically strike.

    And what’s your bleeep about the 2nd Amendment? It’s out of Far Right field.

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    LeonardWatson  over 16 years ago

    lalas, Osama is the most anti-gun candidate to ever run for president. He will try to take away your second amendment rights without a second thought. Do your research he has never once voted for a bill that supports or expands your second amendment rights. He already controls the media now he want to disarm the people…Sounds just like Hitler. Osama is change this country cannot afford.

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  25. Buddy
    lalas  over 16 years ago

    Nice job of refusing to SUBSTANTIATE your claims. Provide links to support your diatribe.

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    pheonixeaglescorpion  11 months ago

    That would be my choice too!

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