Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 14, 2008

  1. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    Let the womman fix yaw’r boat.

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  2. Missing large
    c00k13m0n5t3r  over 16 years ago

    Yeah, it’s the system, estupido!

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  3. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 16 years ago

    I say let the cat have a go at it.

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  4. Turtle vibes
    Oldturtle  over 16 years ago

    Anyone see a parallel with our political system here?

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  5. Celtic cross3
    DerekA  over 16 years ago

    I see Barney Frank who got us in the mess now trying to fix it.

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  6. Slick rick 2
    hotspur666  over 16 years ago

    Hussein will fix that plumbing, just like they do in Cuba, Korea…etc…

    Cite even a single Baraka Hussein Osama accomplishment, in his entire life (not to include things related to toilet habits, gum, or shoelaces), and I’ll vote for him.

    Has he even won an election where his primary opponent was still on the ballot on election day?

    (Beat Hillary? He didn’t even beat the Hildabeast. He was selected by the superdelegates, so he was in and they didn’t even do a full vote at the dem convention.)

    I’m just kidding, everyone. I ate too much cheese last night.

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  7. Missing large
    htinnaro  over 16 years ago

    you poor, sad, defeated little satanist. just because he hasn’t invaded a country, killed folks for pay, or completely destroyed: a savings and loan, an oil company, and a baseball team doesn’t mean he’s not a good candidate. it just means he’s not a republican candidate.

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  8. Ba071203
    circuit7  over 16 years ago

    Old Turtle, we hope to see a parallel with our political system. He’s a political cartoonist.

    Hotspur, every so-called political “party” has problems and every one will at some point be corrupted by the power because they’re all human. That’s why we put an expiration date on our politicians.

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  9. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

    Mmm! Mmm! What kinahhh of the big picthahh by focusin’ on one minahhh detail does he tahhlk abahh?

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  10. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 16 years ago

    Circuit7 - Yep, Best before November 2008. May vary according to size, color, and texture. Contents may have settled. May not be suitable for home use. Requires adult supervision. Recycle where facilities exist.

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