Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 19, 2008

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    Albany58  about 16 years ago

    That’s where we’ve gone, Dubya!

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    BirishB  about 16 years ago


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    LeonardWatson  about 16 years ago

    Finally a comic that accurately depicts the liberal mindset. Some whacko liberal runs off the edge of a cliff (or for President of the USA) and the rest of the loyal liberal blindly follow because that is what they were told to do.

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    pamlane  about 16 years ago


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    James7344  about 16 years ago

    Liberal, conservative - they’re all the same in the Beltway. Hopefully, people will wake up soon and realize that they consider themselves better than us, and simply laugh with glee whenever we support them.

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  6. And you wonder why
    Kylop  about 16 years ago


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    h2oman  about 16 years ago

    Another Wiley cliff hanger. Will Ford Chrysler and GM be driving off the cliffs next or have they already done so ??

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  8. Alife
    alife  about 16 years ago

    Kylop thanks for the word Rashmon

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    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    Ah yes, just like little georgie and his mindless minions and those who march in goosestep with the bloated bloviating bombasts of the airwaves.

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    lazylightning  about 16 years ago

    LeonardWatson: You are an idiot if you think this strip represents liberals. W. hoping history will justify what he has done is similar-type thinking as yours.

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    cacolley7811  about 16 years ago

    W. did actually say that history would portray him as being right
Obama still has 32 more days before taking oath of office.

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    LeonardWatson  about 16 years ago

    lazylightning, Apparently you are the idiot. I have never claimed to be a fan of George Bush (though he is and has been immeasurably better than our current president-elect Hussien Osama could ever hope to be). I am simply stating the obvious: Conservatives tend to think for themselves, Liberals buy into whatever their pet politicians and the media spoonfeed them without question. I am no fan of our current President, he has made plenty of mistakes over the last 8 years. However, I will say that he is getting blamed for a lot of things that are neither his fault or of his making.

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    danielsangeo  about 16 years ago

    Leonard, you’ll take careful note that lazylightning never claimed that you were a fan of Bush, just that your thinking is similar to his.

    Second, who the heck is “president-elect Hussien Osama”? I know of no one with that name. It sounds like the kind of name one that can’t think for themselves say when they’re spoonfed it from the media.

    Finally, you’ll note that liberals do NOT blame things that are not his fault. Liberals do, however, blame things that ARE his fault. Claims like “Bush caused Hurricane Katrina” are conservative fantasies which no liberal has ever claimed.

    You were probably spoonfed that, as well.

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    Trebor39  about 16 years ago

    Those who don’t study history are bound to repeat .. Oh, never mind!

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    LeonardWatson  about 16 years ago


    Have you never heard of sarcasm? The fact I think the electing of an unknown corrupt Chicago politician to the US Presidency is the most unintelligent thing the citizens of this country have ever done is what makes me one who can think for himself. I refuse to accept all the liberal poison spewed by the media. Blaming Bush for the economic meltdown is a liberal favorite, yet the responsibility for that lies squarely on the shoulders of Bill Clinto and our liberal controlled congress. Not on Bush.

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    NoFearPup  about 16 years ago

    We all have been on auto-pilot for the last eight years with no ONE leading and I think most of us sub-consciously wanted it that way. But the individuals who match those lemmings (which, incidentally are not prone to leaping off of cliffs) the most are the jealous Libs who would have voted for anyone as long as they had the “D” behind the name. And LW points are excellently made.

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    Dtroutma  about 16 years ago

    Poor Leonard needs to pick up a dictionary, you know, one of those things called “books”, and read the definitions for “liberal” and “conservative”. The wit and wisdom of Wiley quite often contrasts with the lemming-like Limbaugh lamentations, actually encouraging thought, and open views on new ideas.

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    cacolley7811  about 16 years ago

    LeonardWatson, your prejudice is showing. Maybe you’d like to take a minute and tuck in that white sheet with the cutouts.”Hussein Obama” indeed! And there did seem to be a lot of conservatives thinking for themselves in November as they didn’t bother to even vote. It’s the first step to voting democratic. You still seem to be feeding heavily at the tripe trough because nothing that’s coming out is fresh and new.

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    cacolley7811  about 16 years ago

    H20man, Big Auto doesn’t drive anywhere they take the jet.

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    cacolley7811  about 16 years ago

    Sorry Char, the lead lemming is Ashcroft singing, “Let the Eagle Soar”.

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    NoFearPup  about 16 years ago

    You tipped your hand again Lefty, “white sheet” is your favorite line! I see the shadow of the “private hand” all over this web-site!

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    MikeBx  about 16 years ago

    Leonard: “Conservatives tend to think for themselves, Liberals buy into whatever their pet politicians and the media spoonfeed them without question.”

    Is that why the listeners of one of the most popular conservative radio shows call themselves “dittoheads”?

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    NoFearPup  about 16 years ago

    Ditto-heads are called “dittoheads” because Rush’s listeners would go shower him with lengthy accolades upon getting on his show, and it eventually became the practice to just say “Dittos, Rush” in order to save time. This is a very old mis-understanding among Rush’s liberal detractors.

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    cacolley7811  about 16 years ago

    Nofearpup, I use the term ‘white sheets’ to encompass all the white-supremacist, neo-nazi, hateful, bigoted racists who think they are funny by referring to Obama’s middle name or any reference containing muslim slurs. See how much shorter ‘white sheet’ is? I really didn’t want to confuse you with too many words.

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    Sparkyjim  about 16 years ago

    We never seem to learn from past mistakes
 That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. (Eccl. 1:9)

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    LeonardWatson  about 16 years ago

    Whether the recently elected president is actually a muslim or not will be made clear in time. The point is that the majority of American people we duped into voting for a guy with no experience and who holds radically anti-American ideals. Whether it was through mass hypnotism or brainwashing I am not sure. What I do know is that anyone with any intelligence who looked at his voting record and actually listened to the words he spoke could not have in good conscience voted for him. Most Americans simply listen to what the media says and follow blindly. That is the only way that he won the election. As to the other charges, while I often agree with Rush, I happen to think the man is an obnoxious loudmouth that does more harm for the conservative cause than good. Be careful what you assume about people you do not know. We are already seeing glimmers of the real obama coming through. Change? Yeah, right he is simply a puppet of the liberal democrats and anti-americans like George Soros and Rebecca Peters.

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    Archistoteles  about 3 years ago

    Your ignorance and your bias are appalling.

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