Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 09, 2009
Lucy: What'd you say you're doing? Danae: Mouse hunting. Lucy: Uh... why? Danae: 'Cuz they disrupted my TV by chewing on the wires, so they've gotta go. Lucy: Maybe they just want to watch TV, too. Danae: Don't be silly, Lucy... Mice: Ah... much better picture with cable. It's satellite. Whatever. Danae: No stinkin' way... Lucy: He-e-y... the Disney Channel! Maybe they'll let us watch with them.
pouncingtiger over 15 years ago
Maybe it’s the mouse that’s causing my computer doesn’t work.
MurphyHerself over 15 years ago
Make a school report of this, too:)
madKanga over 15 years ago
Anyone remember drooling over Annette Funicello on the Mouseketeers?
rayannina over 15 years ago
Annette who? You mean pre-lunacy Britney Spears, right?
madKanga over 15 years ago
rayannina - you are clearly much younger than I am.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
That was just a bit before my time, but I do remember seeing film clips of Annette back then.
Who knew mice liked watching the Disney channel.
MurphyHerself Sure, and it will be taken just as seriously as the Mars 3.5 adventure.
madKanga over 15 years ago
I guess if you are old enough to remember, you are probably too old to remember anything :-)
invisifan over 15 years ago
Annette was cute but Darlene was the one to drool over ^_^
Ronshua over 15 years ago
Darla Hood was my first heart throb , Darlene then Annette after that . Those where the days of my youth .
Lyons Group, Inc. over 15 years ago
I knew them both… Annette and Brittiney. Only Disney (when he was alive) did allow her to be in all those campy beach movies, but forbid her to show her navel. With Brittiney Spears however, Disney (the company) could care less about what she did, especially that kiss she did with Madonna.
Destiny23 over 15 years ago
I wonder if that TV is a iPhone with a TV viewer app. Don’t know where else they’d find a screen that small!
(Hey Lucy, you’d better go get the magnifying glass…)
okeedoekee over 15 years ago
Sissy and Bobby on th the Lawernce Welk Show.
NoBrandName over 15 years ago
Whatever! Anyways, at the end of the day, it is what it is, y’know?
Takiniteasy over 15 years ago
I remember Annette … boy, she had a great set of ears.
comicsnoob over 15 years ago
I still buy Skippy peanut butter!
dtut over 15 years ago
Rodents chewing through cables. After a 40-year career in telecom, I have two funny stories about that. One is almost – ALMOST – as funny as Wiley’s. But NOTHING is really as funny as Wiley’s.
The really funny one involved repeated failures (every 2-3 weeks) of a lab test model due to mice chewing through the wires. These failures were alternated with cable repairs AND visits by the exterminator – obviously ineffective. In the meantime… There was a stray cat that hung out in the parking lot begging for scraps. As winter approached, the cat looked more and more straggly. Eventually one of our techs took pity, smuggled it into the building and fed it. Pets were not allowed in the building, so we hid it in the lab (where the test model was), because that room stayed locked and even building security didn’t go in there. Once we had the lab cat, no more test model failures. I wonder why.
Allan CB Premium Member over 15 years ago
what are Jonas and Ellie doin’ in New York/New Jersey? They are supposed to be on the ship w/ Louie and Nate!!!
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Great strip Wiley. I love panel three with the look of disbelief and amazement on Danae’s face.
I watched the Annette - Frankie movies for the other girls that actually wore bikinis.
dianecliff over 15 years ago
Maybe there’s a union?
JanLC over 15 years ago
I remember when Annette was given a part in Zorro as a birthday gift from Walt Disney. It was a two-part story arc where she was a young lady who had been raised in boarding schools in Spain and came to California to find her father. He turned out to be a peasant who had managed to send all of his money to Spain for her, but who was penniless and, in his own eyes, a disgrace to her. But then, of course, this was a Disney production and everything ended happily. I used to swoon and sigh over Guy Williams as Zorro. So dashing and handsome…..
Varnes over 15 years ago
Ronshua, oh, yes, I remember Darla. First love of many a baby boomer. And yes, Mouseketeer Annette had really nice (and large!) um, ears…
treered over 15 years ago
in Monday’s last panel, Dad should have got the last word with “sigh, whatever”, then you’d have “whatever” in every panel. and how did you know that “whatever” is currently the most annoying word when it was just announced this week? Wiley is clearvoyant!
MatureCanadian over 15 years ago
Do you guys mean Darla from The Little Rascals? I watched Mickey Mouse Club for the Hardy Boys adventures.
Those mice look like the ones from the cartoon where they were always so polite “after you, Clive?”….can’t remember their names I’m afraid. I expect Danae to figure out a way to share with the little blighters.
JanCinVV - I couldn’t agree more. At the same time we had Edd Byrnes as Kookie. Lend me your comb, anytime.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
I’m sure the nice mice would be happy to let you watch TV with them. Just bring the Cheez-Its and try make yourselves comfortable.
bmonk over 15 years ago
@dtut, I had a similar experience, only with cockroaches in a place I was staying in DC. The kitchen was lousy with cockroaches, and no exterminator could get rid of them. They got a feisty kitten, and in a week the kitchen was roach free.
Of course, if the Health Department knew about the cat in the kitchen, they’d have had kittens! But–I’d still rather wash down the counters in the morning than put up with the roaches.
Leonardeuler over 15 years ago
O.K. mice, let’s cut out the clowning !!
Potrzebie over 15 years ago
They are not mice, they are pan-dimensional beings.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Gemorion over 15 years ago
( Joe Allen Doty said, 7 minutes ago
Satellite TV service and cable TV service are two different kinds of TV services……. )
&grazer said, 2 minutes ago
Beautiful interaction I love reading these comments just for ones likes these.
farfle1954 over 15 years ago
i watched Mickey Mouse Club for Spin and Marty…
MIM3 over 15 years ago
Some times you find yourself wondering, don’t ya!
Ushindi over 15 years ago
cleo: Yeah, like “How To Stuff A Wild Bikini”, lol. We really, actually, seriously went to see those movies, didn’t we?
andymeijers over 15 years ago
Disney was a bit of a closet dirty old man, and a savvy marketer. He once let slip in an interview that the original MMC show included a couple of well-endowed young ladies, so the Dads that got home from work early wouldn’t make the kids change the channel.
MatureCanadian over 15 years ago
farfle 1954 - I loved Spin & Marty and had forgotten them until you brought them up. Thank you for the memory.
pbarnrob over 15 years ago
Squirrels have also been known to do a number on the pole cable (of a client; we have fiber-to-the-curb, not the right flavor).
Left him just enough to get sorta connected, but not enough to do anything useful, until a savvy senior cable tech figured it out. Now he has a watch out for those rascals.
Mikey8 over 15 years ago
Wasn’t allowed to watch unless my homework was finished. Really made me fast in arithmatic.
Mikey8 over 15 years ago
And I started playing little league because of Mookie.
dtut over 15 years ago
@pbarnrob “Squirrels have also been known to do a number on the pole cable”
Actually, that was the subject of my other story. Seriously.
Seed_drill over 15 years ago
Oh no, first Overboard, now Non Sequitur! I hates mices to pieces!