Mutt & Jeff by Bud Fisher for February 15, 2009

  1. Sc000fe15a
    DebJ4  about 16 years ago

    Don’t think they will miss the TV when it switches to digital - After all, Mutt still remembers how to listen to the radio. And the Many Loves of Lily is no longer on the air - so Mrs. Mutt probably won’t miss it either!

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  2. Th thface1
    ZelaKath  about 16 years ago

    Just think alot of us have a tv in each room now with a remote!! but men and women’s taste stays the same.

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  3. Sc000fe15a
    DebJ4  about 16 years ago

    BOTH men and women are going to flip out when they realize that the ‘new, improved’ digital TV signal can NOT be recorded by VCR onto VHS tape! Not only is Mrs. Mutt no longer going to be able to tape historic re-runs of the Many Loves of Lily - but Mutt will NO longer be able to set up the VCR to catch the first couple of innings of the World Series games which air BEFORE Mutt gets home from work! I think the network nitwits have truly shot themselves in the foot with this one! Mutt can go back to listening to the first couple of innings of the World Series games on the car radio while he drives home from work. And Mrs. Mutt can go to the local library and check out the revealing, tell-all memoirs of the stars of the Many Loves of Lila! Mutt and Mrs. Mutt can still have what they actually like - but it is TV which will not longer be ‘in the picture!’

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