Mutt & Jeff by Bud Fisher for September 26, 2009

  1. Images
    drwatson  over 15 years ago

    Slug him one!

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  2. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 15 years ago

    Black eye, or black eyes.

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  3. Sc000fe15a
    DebJ4  over 15 years ago

    If you move to your next comic choice - read it,then come back to the comic with the pop up advertisement - often the pop-up is gone by then. If not, choose MORE. If the pop - up doesn’t disappear when you choose View Larger, then then choose PRINT COMIC. Usually, one of those operations will get rid of the pop-up.l I have pop-up blocker - but, often, the spot where the pop up WOULD have appeared is STILL obscured by a huge blank spot - which makes it impossible to read. However, usually, one of those operations will get rid of the blank spot for me.

    Another alternative is to go to the Mutt and Jeff Page at Universal at

    Choose Mutt and Jeff from the alphabetical list.

    This will bring you to a couple of samples - one for the daily strip and one for the Sunday strip. If you click on VIEW DAILY STRIPS at the bottom of the black and white strip, you will discover about 6 pages of daily strips. Click on the last page - usually 6 - and you will see some of the most recent black and white strips. Currently, the most recent strip which is featured on the black and white pages is the strip about Jeff opening a garage to service Mutt’s car.

    Since the Universal archive goes back several weeks - it also gives you an opportunity to get a good look at strips which you might have missed in the past because of the pop-up advertisements. You do NOT have to pay anything at Universal to look at their archives.

    If you choose VIEW MORE SUNDAY SAMPLES, you will also have an opportunity to check out an archive of previous Sunday strips. Again, the most recent Sunday strips are on page three. Most recent Sunday strip featured is the incredible shrinking dog.

    I hate pop ups as well. Don’t know what browser you are using. I have an Apple and have always done my surfing with Safari - which has always had an excellent pop up blocker. However, Apple recently “improved” Safari - and pretty much ruined it. It now takes ages for Safari to load anything which has pictures on it - which is about 97% of everything on the Internet!

    So I downloaded a free FIREFOX browser which was recommended by my service provider. If your current browser doesn’t have a pop-up blocker, you might consider checking with your service provider and seeing if they can recommend a link for a FIREFOX browser which would be compatible with with your computer. My service provider knjows that I use a Powerbook G4 - and they sent me a link which took me right to a Free Firefox browser which was compatible with the Powerbook.

    Good luck. I know how annoying it is to have to deal with pop-ups!

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  4. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 15 years ago

    This is the third time I have seen this strip come up. It’s just ridiculous; “Mutt & Jeff” was around for 75 years.

    Less repetition!

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