The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for April 10, 2009

  1. Missing large
    Radelape  almost 16 years ago

    That happens more often than you’d think..

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  2. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Why would a rocket have a power cord? It doesn’t seem so strange a question when I notice that a helicopter that lands near our emergency room is often sitting there, plugged in to a power outlet.

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  3. Govt
    Khard12  almost 16 years ago

    The helicopter probably has a block heater to help it start faster. The rocket probably needs the power cord for the fasten seatbelt light.

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  4. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  almost 16 years ago

    The cord and outlet on the rocket are set up for taking power OUT OF the rocket, not putting it in.

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  5. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Thanks, Khard12, for the info on the helicopter. I really did want to know why they did that… also like your take on the rocket.

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