Dog Eat Doug by Brian Anderson for February 26, 2009

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    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    This is so totally my lab. Cleo is the perfect dog. She obeys like a robot, but mention a walk and she becomes an animated bark machine with a body that vibrates uncontrollably. I really believe she loses control and can’t help herself.

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    alondra  about 16 years ago

    Sophie’s adorable but so is Fred Bassett, and all the cat comics. I also love Poncho of “Pooch Cafe” though he isn’t cute, he’s funny as all get out.

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  3. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 16 years ago

    This is one of the reasons I prefer cats. Poncho is another.

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    georgefred  about 16 years ago

    you must have very sedate cats, runar, because my cats “get the crazies” and exhibit Sophie’s behavior at least 3-5 times a week.

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    tabbylynn  about 16 years ago

    i think all labs are like this. they want to go outside and you know it. mine will wine a little then if you dont say something he will start to bark and then do a dance around the house then start nugging you doing all the others. but i love him

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  6. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 16 years ago

    gf, they’re four and fifteen, so not given to fits.

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