Why do people keep bringing up the puppy that ate the baby on this strip? That puppy had not been fed for days, possibly more than a week. Of course it ate the baby! It’s natural for animals to prey on weaker beings when hungry! The moral isn’t “don’t leave a lab alone with a baby,” it’s “don’t starve your pets!”
margueritem over 15 years ago
Oh, stop picking on Doug, Sophie!
rayannina over 15 years ago
Hmmmm … smells like a combination of wet Doug and wet Sophie.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
So Doug looks like manure to Sophie?
Plods with ...™ over 15 years ago
clean and fresh?
alondra over 15 years ago
Phew! Sounds like Doug needs his diaper changed.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
One big cow pasture in one small little bundle.
ninmas over 15 years ago
one hair, one tooth, poopy, yep, that’s a farm alright!
notinksanymore over 15 years ago
Why do people keep bringing up the puppy that ate the baby on this strip? That puppy had not been fed for days, possibly more than a week. Of course it ate the baby! It’s natural for animals to prey on weaker beings when hungry! The moral isn’t “don’t leave a lab alone with a baby,” it’s “don’t starve your pets!”
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member over 15 years ago
But but the dingo ate my baby.