For Heaven's Sake by Mike Morgan for September 15, 2008

  1. Celtic cross3
    DerekA  over 16 years ago

    Gee Hal - I don’t think Jesus will save the planet but destroy it and create a new one - and Hal, if you are referring to salvation of people - well you’re wrong again as He only saves the elect. But hey with all the cartoon with saved people with angel wings - this isn’t too bad.

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  2. Eeyore and pooh
    bookworm  over 16 years ago

    Derek - John 3:16 - …that WHOSOEVER believeth in him might not perish…

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  3. Celtic cross3
    DerekA  over 16 years ago

    Bookworm - whosoever is only that person that believes not the person that does not believe. That is the proper context of John 3:16 - please read John 3:18&19 as well for confirmation that there are unbelievers and people who will not be saved and to understand the full context of what Christ said.

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  4. My avatar
    lucjoy7  over 16 years ago

    I think bookworm means that everyone has a chance to be part of the elect, if they choose it.

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