Jim Morin for October 30, 2009

  1. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 14 years ago

    Can’t handel the subject ANandy, just pull out your Obama phobia bag and everthing is all right again.

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  2. Missing large
    hastynote Premium Member over 14 years ago

    ANandy has nothing to contribute but racism and fear. When are the censors going to get the insulting bigotry, and toss this guy out of the discussion?

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  3. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 14 years ago

    Of course scottfreitas’ idea of a factually honest cartoon would be one that says Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks.

    Yes, he did say words to that effect once.

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  4. Photo 77
    ohrn  over 14 years ago

    Morin is both factually and intellectually accurate. Good work!

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  5. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 14 years ago

    Jim, Accurate and realistic depiction.

    Thank you

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  6. Triopia logo
    ChuckTrent64  over 14 years ago

    I’m surprised something summing up the contrast of the two wars and approaches by the commanders hasn’t appeared sooner. The nice thing is that it is true and not manufactured or taken out of context or twisted. These are rare qualitites in cartoons these days.

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  7. Buddy
    lalas  over 14 years ago

    So what is it about this cartoon that you idiots are insisting is not accurate?

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    The depiction is accurate indeed. Following events since 91, when we started bombing Iraq, and never actually stopped, the writing was on the wall in the 2000 election, if Bush won, no matter WHAT the real facts revealed. We’ve actually been seeing some progress beneath the radar, and especially the radar of the idiot press, media, and public awareness.

    Just read in the L.A. times that a CONSERVATIVE organization has surveyed and determined that 65% of the main stream press stories on Obama were negative- so much for “liberal”.

    The more critical factor is that no amount of factual information seems to make and impression on a populace popping the pills sold on news shows: erection dejection, depression, alzheimers, fibromyalgia(though the ads originally didn’t even accurately describe the symptoms), Tamiflu, anti-psychotics, and energy drinks to get you up in the morning after taking your approved and pumped sleeping pills.

    Obama is showing an interest in what AFHANS think, and applying a strategy that actually applies to them, not some cook lesson at the “war college” that was talking about containing folks in the Vatican. Obama HAS lived in the real world, not just Chicago, and that tour overseas as a kid taught him more than Bush/Cheney/ and the neocons will EVER learn. Yep, lets see some restraint, and use the hammer only on the nails, and stop whacking thumbs, theirs, and ours.

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    I know this will just encourage rants, but does anybody know what the Republicans plan for Afghistan is? Have they even voiced one? Have they at least said why we are there, and why we should stay?

    If it is part of our war on terrorism, then why aren’t fighting in all of the other places where the terrorist are?

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  10. Barnegat2
    annamargaret1866  over 14 years ago

    Ken, even better perhaps, what is the U.S. plan, for Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and, while I’m at it, everywhere else? I do realize that any plan is likely to be that of whatever party is in power, but sometimes I idealistically think that we could rise above partisan politics.

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  11. Images
    JerryGorton  over 14 years ago

    Scottfreis and Anandy are always around to prove the rules of physics. (any action will have an opposite reaction)….

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  12. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    So, according to the toon and most of the anti-Republican fanatics, our ‘rush’ into Iraq was accomplished by Republicans - in a complete vacuum?!?

    Wasn’t there UN, the US Congress, not to mention a whole bunch of Democrats, who first voted for it, and then voted against it - sort of? With respect to the WMD’s and government change, speeches by President Clinton, and whole bunch of others of the donkey class?!?

    The upper part of the toon is intellectually and factually dishonest!!!

    And I say this with absolutely no apologies for going into Rag, as we did. We should have executed it better though.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    The UN did NOT go along with OUR violations of the actual resolution they passed, which called for more review of data, NOT a threat from Bush to give 24 hours for the Husseins to leave or blow the country up. The UN was chopping up Saddm’s missiles that had POTENTIAL to exceed the proscribed range by up to WOW TWO KILOMETERS! There was an overwhelming amount of evidence, in 2000 and again in 2002 gathered by the UN, Scott Ritter, and others that Saddam, despite his boasts to stave off Iran, had NO significant military equipment, let alone WMDs left in his arsenal. In large part, it was because we bombed everything they had from 91 on, and because all the stuff Rumsfeld and company sent them, like to poison Kurds, had been used up or was past its “expiration date”. That anyone speaking out against Bush was branded by the “liberal press” as a traitor, at best, influenced too many to go along. I’m proud that Ron Wyden, was NOT fooled by the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Perle/Feith et al lies. He was on the Intelligence committee, but could not speak out about the classified information that was available which PROVED BUSH et al were LYING, about EVERYTHING except that Saddam had put out a “contract” on his “daddy”.

    NOT “anti-Republican”, but am anti-neocon, and anti-idiocy. The “Republican Party” no longer exists, and yes, the Democrats are also racing to catch up on being pointless and without direction.

    Afghanistan did bring in NATO, who are still helping in Bosnia, and even that was screwed up by Bush when we messed up the NATO mission throughout the Balkans and south Asia to catch AlQaeda members and get them off the field. Blowing up the whole country, and school kids, was just typical Rumsfeld/Cheney homicidal tendencies at work.

    Bin Laden and the pure Al Qaeda folk do suck, so does the Taliban, and most Muslims agree, but in the cloud of stupidity spread across our country by the previous administration,(and their current die hard morons) it will take a truly strong wind to clear the air.

    It wil take pulling that secret weapon, intelligence with intellect being applied to change things. Obama is heading that way, but the over-eager “wanna-bes”(anywhere but actually in combat themselves) are rampant and rambling their own off-key version of the “tune”- logic is not wanted.

    Sorry, but just talked to another “troop” who’s actually been in the fray, for the third time, and it is time to think about our next move, with some of that totally missing wisdom needed in the past, then get out as soon as possible.

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  14. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    Here is about the best, succinct and serious analysis of this very serious subject:


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  15. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago


    I have been ignoring your posts, for I find you to be one of the most vile, maniacal, intellectually and factually dishonest posters here.

    I was going to make this one exception, as it is a really momentous subject.

    However, after rereading your diatribe, I realized that it is just another pile of dog poop, not worthy of a conversation.

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  16. Bear
    1MadMan  over 14 years ago

    Great diatribe dtroutma. I think Cheney was the real string puller. Dubya just wanted to one-up his daddy with a real crusade while DICK saw big bucks in reconstruction for his old pals at Hell-of-a-burden

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Peter- the real facts of how we were manipulated into invading Iraq, and the consequences, are indeed quite vile. Our invasion of Afghanistan, using the presence of a couple hundred actual criminals we could have legitimately “taken care of” is the same.

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  18. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Republicans should have a motto after Iraq; Invade first, ask questions later.

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    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Thats funny Corosive Frog, that and that stimulus package kinda fit that motto. Potato, Potatoe.

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