Robin has to be one of those kids who treats something as painless and non-invasive as a haircut as the worst possible assault on his person. Reminds me of when I was in the Navy and I was in the barbershop waiting my turn. A dad brought in his twin sons, maybe 1½ years old, and both of them turned what should have been a simple, quick procedure into a raging, screaming psychodrama. I turned to the guy next in line and said, “I don’t really remember my first haircut, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t carry on like that.” I’m certain the barber was counting a few more grey hairs of his own that night.
sparklite over 3 years ago
Ah, at last the readable Sunday page makes an appearance.
M2MM over 2 years ago
Elly had the same difficulties with Michael at that age. :D
Ranchan almost 2 years ago
I’m glad the Sunday strips are back to the old layout
FrostbiteFalls about 1 year ago
Robin has to be one of those kids who treats something as painless and non-invasive as a haircut as the worst possible assault on his person. Reminds me of when I was in the Navy and I was in the barbershop waiting my turn. A dad brought in his twin sons, maybe 1½ years old, and both of them turned what should have been a simple, quick procedure into a raging, screaming psychodrama. I turned to the guy next in line and said, “I don’t really remember my first haircut, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t carry on like that.” I’m certain the barber was counting a few more grey hairs of his own that night.