For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for September 02, 2008
John: You bought Michael a fish? Elly: He wants a dog, John... a fish is much easier. Besides, eh has to learn how to be responsible for a pet. If he does well with the fish, we can try moving up the food chain. Michael: Does that mean you'll get me something that could eat Fred?
gizmodergy over 16 years ago
2nd strip and already a new addition to the cast!!
Unless Fred the Fish was also around back in ‘79
forrest11 over 16 years ago
so is this the re drawn strip?
AliKzam over 16 years ago
Okay, some people said it before, but I didn’t fully understand what they meant. I did some digging, and I found this on Lynn’s website ( It’s an article from a magazine called E&P by Dave Astor in late January of this year. Here’s the important stuff:
“… the 1979-launched comic will focus on the younger versions of the characters. But that doesn’t mean the post-September strips will consist entirely of rerun material. Johnston plans to change various elements of the comics, create new storylines, etc. – but do all that in the drawing style she used to have.” “Johnston intends to do the part old/part new FBorFW strips chronologically, and also create some completely new Sunday strips in the old drawing style.”
There’s lots more, but basically, there will be some original strips and some new strips drawn in the older style. So she’s not just retelling, she’s expanding!
DinkSinger over 16 years ago
Here’s what Lynn herself released last Friday: “For Better or For Worse begins again on September the 1st with new material, new art and new enthusiasm! Without the need to visit all of the auxiliary characters, I can concentrate once again on the insular little Patterson household. I have the children all to myself again. I can do spot gags and silly stuff. I can fix what I don’t like about my early work as I add and subtract…redraw and just improve everything.’