Home with two young children on an average day, lol! I’ve never understood the need for impeccable neatness with young ones. Life is messy, eat it up :D
Alife and Summerdog, I never noticed it on the strip after I checked to see that strip this morning. Now I saw it recently. Oh well! Alife, you have good eyes to catch the shape of Batman. lols!
runar over 16 years ago
“…and there was the weird cat, and these two live troll dolls running around…”
“Elly, did Poppy Feierstein drop off some of her “special” brownies again?”
Artrina over 16 years ago
Home looks fairly neat to me……
mcveinot over 16 years ago
Home with two young children on an average day, lol! I’ve never understood the need for impeccable neatness with young ones. Life is messy, eat it up :D
Greypilgrim over 16 years ago
Reminds me of the way things were when I was a kid. My older brother and I made the same kind of mess.
Silverpearl over 16 years ago
Ahhh! The memories this brings back. Then the clean-up later.
alife over 16 years ago
summerdog86 over 16 years ago
I saw that, too, alife.
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
Alife and Summerdog, I never noticed it on the strip after I checked to see that strip this morning. Now I saw it recently. Oh well! Alife, you have good eyes to catch the shape of Batman. lols!
circuit7 over 16 years ago
Happy memories which make picking up after my boys absolutely effortless!
Thanks for coming to work today Lynn.