For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for October 18, 2008

  1. Wolf wolves howl
    Wolfdreamer250  over 16 years ago

    Its funny, I know this one is a new comic but it reminds me so much of the 80’s era. Back when everyone was concerned about a child’s feeling instead of what they could do. My parents always hated that feel good blah blah blah claptrap. After all look how Micheal has internalized it and he’s only in Preschool.

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    bluetopazcrystal  over 16 years ago

    Turned out to be a fine young man though didn’t he? Not bull bleeep at all.

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    Artrina  over 16 years ago

    Why are people looking so deep into every possible meaning for this comic strip lately? My first reaction to this was “Awww How cute that he noticed Mom needed a hug.” You people are just looking for things to criticize about the new direction this strip is going!

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    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

    It is nice thought of Michael to say something to his mother for a nice compliment. Cheer up Elly!

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    patik  over 16 years ago

    Actually, Wolfdreamer250, I feel like nowadays it’s not about winning but about making sure no child is offended. Games can’t have losers, sports teams get equal rotation, and remember – no child left behind! We wouldn’t want anyone to be upset.

    And Jahosacat I think it’s good that people look into things like this. I don’t think Lynn wrote these strips without putting any thought into them.

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    alondra  over 16 years ago

    Michael’s a good kid. He saw that his mother needed encouragement and gave it to her. The only thing I’d find to criticize is that a boy his age isn’t going to use the words “positive reinforcement” but then again he may have heard the phrase somewhere. I’m proud of him.

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    Silverpearl  over 16 years ago

    Kids hear more than grownups think they do.

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    JosePeterson  over 16 years ago

    This strip is too folksy. It needs a villain.

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    deadheadm  over 16 years ago

    My God Lynn, what have you become?What happened to you? Are you that bummed out over your failed marriage? Or is it simply a need for money? Either way, your decision to take your strip this way (backwards and rewritten) has me and most all of your fans dismayed and ready to leave you. More critically as a felloe human, you seem absolutely despondant. I hope not, but that’s how you are coming across. Your “let’s do it over” approach has cheapened you and your genius. Something important seems to have left you. I’ve been a loyal follower of FBOFW for 30 years and I believe this story still had so much left to tell and so many new story lines…many or most of which could and should have been sad and/or painful….but also realistic to todays life. Your serious “or for worse” story lines were always your best and the most enduring. It’s not too late to revert back before this approach brings your career and reputation down in flames. Can you imagine Paul McCartney rewriting and rerecording “Hey Jude”, Steinbeck rewriting his novels, or the Canadian Goverment rewriting history by becoming the 51 state of the USA?? Crazy, huh? You could and still should bring the current time back and let the characters grow old and experience problems. Let John have an affair….Let April become a VET at a Kentucky horse farm and then become a US citizen….Let Michaels wife become hopelessly addicted to prescription drugs….Let Ely divorce John and then be diagnosed with breast cancer…..let Lawrence express his true love for Michael but end up falling for Anthony…Have Anthony come out of the closet, become a radical gay rights activist. Let Liz fall in love with a convicted French Canadian separatist and get fired from teaching in Ontario because of her pro Quebec independence stance….Let Grandpa finally die, but die at his own request with the help of Iris….Let one of the dogs brutally bite Merideth because she was too rough playing with him, forcing John to “put the dog to sleep” with his here-to-fore unknown hand gun he kept for years in his possession….let the police arrest John for Cruelty to animals. You may think I’m nuts and/or being faceous, but I’m neither. You would maintain a solid core of your loyal audience (some will leave true, but you would gain many many new fans to replace the ones lost. And guess what, controversy is what made your strip an enduring hit, not the silly happy face one liners in many or most of your last panels. I swear to God, I’m not anything other than serious (and sucessful by the way). I’d be happy and honored to discuss this with you anytime on the phone, email, or in person. Most importantly, I want you back!! We all do.

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    summerdog86  over 16 years ago

    Wow, now that scenario left me totally depressed! Lynn has announced at the fborfw site, that she does plan on writting new Patterson story lines that will continue the family after the wedding, into the future. You will have to buy them, of course.

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    Greypilgrim  over 16 years ago

    Some people take their comics WAY too seriously. There is a reality and a “not-too-real” reality that exists in these “close to home” comics. We have come to vicariously “live” the lives of the Patterson family and to watch them grow up again. To enjoy their company as we would anyone in our own family is a special treat that not too many fans have the chance of with other strips. When anyone in FBoFW laughs–we laugh, when they cry–we cry, when they get hurt–we hurt. To nitpick at the difference between a new strip and a re-run is ridiculous. Relax. Just sit back and enjoy the walk through the Patterson’s lives once more and this time give thanks that we can do this. We haven’t been cut off at the knees and left to flounder without hope. We’ve been given a time machine to enjoy being with our friends again. And, I for one, would definitely pay to buy a book of “what happened after” tales even though in her last new strip, Lynn told us just about all that was going to happen. Ease up and just enjoy the ride.

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    Jendavidson  over 16 years ago

    I thought it was funny. This reminded me of myself and my son. Pretty sure the “positive reinforcement” part at the end was supposed to be funny… not to be taken seriously.

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    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

    What does “For Better or For Worse stand for? Those strips would show what their lives would be like for better or for worse or for good or for bad. That could be similar as we, the people on this earth would have something for better or for worse. Susan001, I agree with you definitely.

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    howlindawgs  over 16 years ago

    Jeez, you guys are bumming me out here. I think it;s just an observation that kids pick up adult vocabulary catchphrases. My 8 year old nephew recently asked me, “Wanna hear a totally inappropriate joke?”

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    tobybartels  over 16 years ago

    Wow, deadheadm! Far be it from me to tell Lynn what to do; I'm sure that she's given this a lot of thought, and she doesn't owe me anything. But your plotline would be excellent!

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    kfaatz925  over 16 years ago

    I don’t know - I think the “perpetual success” of the Patterson characters can be encouraging, even inspiring. I don’t mind a little willing suspension of disbelief.

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