For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for November 01, 2008

  1. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 16 years ago

    So the whole thing about Farley being the runt was just a sales pitch to get rid of him.

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  2. 1959 dancing bannana
    TumblersBlue  over 16 years ago

    That woman could sell ice to eskimos!

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  3. 1959 dancing bannana
    TumblersBlue  over 16 years ago

    No runar it wasn’t. I think the lady recognised that Elly needed some convincing. You have to remember that in those days Elly was still young and idealistic. She had obviously never knew the joys of having a dog, so rather than extole the virtues of pet ownership, which Elly possibly would’ve rejected, she chose to go down the emotional route.

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    summerdog86  over 16 years ago

    Do what ever works to get the job done, I say.

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    alondra  over 16 years ago

    It shouldn’t have taken so much convincing. That sweet puppy face should have been enough to melt anyone’s heart.

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    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

    LOLs! I love Mrs. Baird. What clever Mrs. Baird to convince Elly about the “runt” pup? Susan, you are right. Elly got becoming a soft heart! AWWWW how sweet it was? Lovely huh! lols! I like the last panel I laughed. :-D

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    mals  over 16 years ago

    My Cocker went through 3 homes in 3 weeks before we got her. My husband said NO but my youngest daughter turned on the water works and we got to keep her Lady was our Farley. She lived a long loved life and passed away at 15.

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  8. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    When we went to pick out an English Springer puppy, There was one that came and sat right on my husband’s foot. He was the one. Man I loved that dog! He was my swimming buddy.

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  9. Princesses
    mcveinot  over 16 years ago

    ok, this is almost exactly how I remember it, lol!! I read the collections all the time and this was one of my favorites.

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    robertolopez144  over 16 years ago

    Aaaahhhh! The old days! And razor sharp wit too boot!!

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    kfaatz925  over 16 years ago

    I had a beloved Golden Retriever (Brandy) who was also the runt of the litter. Her personality more than made up for her size, though. :) Glad to see Farley beginning his happy life.

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  12. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Burgundy2 says:

    sounds wonderful Margueritem - what is/was his name?

    His name was Fred. He lived to age 12. My kakyak is named after him, because he loved the water so much. Right now we have three dogs, all rescues. One is a therapy dog, and he and I visit patients at the local hospital once a week. Tell me about your dogs.

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    SAMROMBAOA  over 16 years ago

    Everyone knew Elly wouldn’t be able to resist a cute puppy. It’s a done deal.

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