For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for February 06, 2009

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    tobybartels  about 16 years ago

    See, this is just the kind of permissive approach to potty-training that usually turns childern into heteros! Liz never would have had all that trouble with Warren and Paul if Lynn had just taken a firmer hand at this stage.

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    AliKzam  about 16 years ago

    Dude, I totally don’t get your joke. But I’m tired, so…

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    Anysia  about 16 years ago

    AliKzam, standard in joke that homophobes make is that gays and lesbians are made because of bad toilet training experiences. (laughs)

    h.t. to Tobybartels for the chuckle.

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    Barbaraailant  about 16 years ago

    shes just using the potty as a toy. My youngest used to put a sand pail on his head and cowboy boots on his feet and run around the house vowing never to be potty-trained–he actually turned out pretty well

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    Silverpearl  about 16 years ago

    She’s just not ready yet. The voice of experience X seven.

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    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    The panel 4 is sooooooooo hilariously funny! ROFL! Lizzie played with her potty training thing on her head perfectly! More LOLs!

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    RenMarNied  about 16 years ago

    My daughter was trained by 2½. My son, on the other hand was almost 4½! Perfect example of how they all “go” at their own pace.

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    OPCgnat  about 16 years ago

    My kid does the same thing. She also makes her dolly sit on the potty and “pee”, but has no interest in it herself. She’s only 21 months old, but people seem to think I’m negligent for not having her trained already!

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    ewennick  about 16 years ago

    My 2.5 year old is not ready either, although he’s getting there … but he’s quite tall for his age and it’s FABulous when complete strangers come up to us in the mall and make snide comments when they see the top of his diaper poking out the waistband of his pants. (this has happened 3-4 times … I was absolutely shocked speechless the first time, but now I have no qualms about yelling back. People are also quite free about telling me when they think my children should be wearing hats/mittens, or why my baby is crying, for some reason. I don’t get it.)

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  10. Man baby
    dead-eye-bill  about 16 years ago

    lizzie is precious and the reason i first read this strip.if you cant see the good side move on

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