I had a dog that would hide behind the couch when I said that it was time for a bath. Then I had a dog that would jump in the tub when I said the same thing to her.
What kind of stink Farley got from? I noticed the fourth panel; Farley smelled the tree. I assumed that Farley peed at that tree after he smelled. Y’all know that many dogs tend to smell and pee at those trees, bushes and many mores. I more likely think the smell from Farley’s urine became stinky!
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
What happens when you say bath time to Farley?
black_knight15_au over 15 years ago
me thinks he doesn’t speak English - try Gaelic?
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Silverpearl over 15 years ago
He would smell worse if he was wet.
alondra over 15 years ago
Looks like you need to improve your training skills Michael.
alan.gurka over 15 years ago
He’s Canadian/Canadien, so he wouldn’t understand American. I don’t know how to say “bath time” in Canadian.
bald over 15 years ago
our lab would run to the bathtub when we put the kids in for theirs and try to get in
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I had a dog that would hide behind the couch when I said that it was time for a bath. Then I had a dog that would jump in the tub when I said the same thing to her.
prasrinivara over 15 years ago
Get some tasty soap Michael (hint: ask mum to go to Pigtown and pick some up from one of the Indian grocers), then Farley will start loving baths!
Wildmustang1262 over 15 years ago
What kind of stink Farley got from? I noticed the fourth panel; Farley smelled the tree. I assumed that Farley peed at that tree after he smelled. Y’all know that many dogs tend to smell and pee at those trees, bushes and many mores. I more likely think the smell from Farley’s urine became stinky!
prasrinivara over 15 years ago
Not Mr. Bubble, Gweedo–“Old Cinthol” is much more palatable to dogs.
GrumpyOldbear over 15 years ago
We had a dog that would roll in cow pies just after we gave her a bath.
bluetopazcrystal over 15 years ago
Where’s the Canada Day strip? Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians. :))