Say handsome, why don't we get to know each other at my place?
You're hustling me?
Well, you don't have to put it just that way.
Chrisesake, I've been having rotten luck at this disco for three days, and then some cute number like you puts the move on me!!
Uh… ha, ha, I guess I don't even know your name.
Norman. Nice to meetcha.
Lola.. L.O.L.A…. Lola. :)
Berkeley Breathed
tobybartels over 16 years ago
Say handsome, why don't we get to know each other at my place?
You're hustling me?
Well, you don't have to put it just that way.
Chrisesake, I've been having rotten luck at this disco for three days, and then some cute number like you puts the move on me!!
Uh… ha, ha, I guess I don't even know your name.
Norman. Nice to meetcha.
desvarzil 4 months ago
Lola.. L.O.L.A…. Lola. :)