Garfield by Jim Davis for August 17, 1978

  1. Thumbnail.aspx
    angelprincess72  about 13 years ago

    Look at Garfield, trying to act innocent in front of Jon.

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    m.l.  over 12 years ago
    I agree Jon, Garfield always thinks that YOU got Odie but it was Lyman and even in “Garfield : The Movie” it showed Jon getting Odie from the vet.
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  3. Green sea turtle
    Luke0457  over 9 years ago

    Jon walks away. He stops in his tracks.He thinks,“waaaait a minute…”

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  4. 2017 ford gt earns gene ritvo award for design and elegance on everyman driver
    Destroyermc25  over 4 years ago


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    cookie1371  almost 3 years ago

    Makesyou think

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  6. 71cgqmdjh6s. ac sl1464
    Hungy4Quisps  almost 3 years ago

    Humans distinguish times into times of peace and times of war. For the animal kingdom, there is no such distinction. The live is to be engaged in constant war, constant struggle. To live is to be beset by threats from all sides at all times. There is no peace; only the calm between battles. Odie knows this. Garfield knows this. Jon Arbuckle does not know this.

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  7. Sindus badus
    Sindbad The Sailor  almost 3 years ago

    Garfield is basically just my cat but less evil. Pretty nice.

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  8. Capture
    FatCatAnimations  over 2 years ago

    Jon: sus

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