a panda walks into a bar and orders some food. after he eats he shoots the bartender. the manager asks “why did you shoot him?” and the panda says “I’m a panda look it up in the dictionary.” so the manager finishes his day and goes home. he looks panda up in the dictionary and sees the entry “panda… eats shoots and leaves.”
Cuddleman about 14 years ago
Great one Odie, keep up the good work.
germanvisitor almost 13 years ago
Ah that’s why the German version didn’t make sense…. it’s a pun.
m.l. over 12 years ago
angelprincess72 over 12 years ago
That was a good one, Odie.
Nickjb2006 almost 6 years ago
a panda walks into a bar and orders some food. after he eats he shoots the bartender. the manager asks “why did you shoot him?” and the panda says “I’m a panda look it up in the dictionary.” so the manager finishes his day and goes home. he looks panda up in the dictionary and sees the entry “panda… eats shoots and leaves.”
Goat from PBS over 3 years ago
Score two for the dogs…for giving Garfield a face full of food.
Greymain over 3 years ago
Two men walk into a bar. What do they say:OWW
cookie1371 almost 3 years ago
Anytime you feel bad for Odie remember this one
FatCatAnimations over 2 years ago
Imagine dogs just growing out of the ground.