Garfield by Jim Davis for December 16, 1978

  1. Imgres
    Flying Ace  over 12 years ago

    mean to another cat!?!?!?

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    CeriCat  over 10 years ago

    You’d never seen what he does to Nermal yet plainly.

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    Krendall  over 6 years ago

    “Little beggar”? That doesn’t even make sense. I feel like it was “little bugger” but it was changed to fit an international audience

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    Vulo the Face Borrower Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I think that Garfield, as a cat, should have more solidarity with other cats… but you know what? I don’t always see eye to eye with other face borrowers, so I guess I can see where he’s coming from. Heh… or can I? (This twisted comment comes to you from the mind of Vulo! Wowoowowow!!! Kabonka bonka bonka!) (Sorry, this is not very Premium of me. My behavior lately has been bad. I will work on that.)

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    FatCatAnimations  over 2 years ago

    Simple, replace him with a hairless species.

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    arbuckle  over 2 years ago

    What most readers wouldn’t know is there is actually two strips released on this day, this one was exclusive to the Chicago Sun Times newspaper.

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