Garfield by Jim Davis for September 07, 1980

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    slimbrownweed  over 13 years ago do beilieve i should hide in my closet.

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    Everydayimshufflin  over 13 years ago

    I thought you were already there.

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    m.l.  over 12 years ago
    @#$%, Garfield, @#$%.
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    ShadowMist  almost 10 years ago

    I’m not fat but I’m not Miley Cyrus skinny so should I hide or join him…. Join him. Society says I’m fat because I didn’t lose 50,000 pounds like Beyoncé and arianna grande. Garfield, hand me the corn starch.

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  6. Dall e 2022 09 17 10.44.57   an oil portrait of garfield wearing royal regalia
    Endlessly Informative  about 2 years ago

    Fun fact! It is inadvisable to eat cornstarch directly out of the box, as, like other raw foods, cornstarch may contain harmful bacteria. It’s also low nutrient-and high-calorie. If you find yourself craving large amounts of raw cornstarch you should see a doctor, as this is a symptom of Pica, and could be caused by a nutritional deficiency. Keep on Garfin’!

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    Gray Sunflower  about 2 years ago

    Another fun fact! This is the last time we see Garfield drawn with a detailed nose. Within the next strip onward, he is drawn with a generic “button nose” as will now be standard with his design from here on.

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