Garfield: Why do people love teddy bears? It's for their don'ts... They don't eat your food. They don't dance with your date and they don't trump your ace lead.
May 14, 2024
Uh Oh. The word “Trump” was used. Donald Trump confirmed!
“They don’t trump your ace lead”? I assume that’s related to cards/gambling, but I don’t get it
this comic strip background looks different, it has gradient on it
i dont get it
MCBudder almost 9 years ago
Uh Oh. The word “Trump” was used. Donald Trump confirmed!
Krendall over 6 years ago
“They don’t trump your ace lead”? I assume that’s related to cards/gambling, but I don’t get it
Arufi about 1 year ago
this comic strip background looks different, it has gradient on it
abernes1 5 months ago
i dont get it