Garfield: Nyah, nyah, nyaaah. Evil Roy Gato does his daily dirty deed. The mustache made me do it.
May 14, 2024
My friend has a shirt that says that. O_o
Despite the fact that it’s clearly something we’ve been seeing you do with(out) the mustache.
Very funny Garfield.
Suuuuure it did, Garfield. That excuse will hold up real well in a court of law.
all_da_ladies_luv_leo! over 11 years ago
My friend has a shirt that says that. O_o
Gray Sunflower about 6 years ago
Despite the fact that it’s clearly something we’ve been seeing you do with(out) the mustache.
WentBrown about 4 years ago
Very funny Garfield.
Scrambled Eggs about 2 years ago
Suuuuure it did, Garfield. That excuse will hold up real well in a court of law.