Jon: Garfield, I know being a cat owner is a big responsibility. BUT I SHOULD BE ABLE TO LEAVE FOR AN EVENING WITHOUT YOU DESTROYING EVERYTHING! I WANT A DIVORCE!
Garfield: I get half of everything.
If Jon wants to divorce Garfield, and Jon and Garfield are both male…. does that mean Jon is…..(Garfield is not because he was forced into the relationship)
all_da_ladies_luv_leo! over 11 years ago
Um, Jon?Are you, you know, alright?
Rachel_E about 7 years ago
Jon wants a divorce????
OdieTheDog over 4 years ago
If Jon wants to divorce Garfield, and Jon and Garfield are both male…. does that mean Jon is…..(Garfield is not because he was forced into the relationship)
Praxeria about 4 years ago
Bad date, huh jon?
Dragonblade5373 about 4 years ago
jon is special :)
WentBrown over 3 years ago
Jon you can’t reason with pets……..
Arufi 8 months ago
divorce? u mean abandon the cat or..?