Garfield: Pwoooock, pwock, pwock, pwock. PUKUCK! PUKUCK! PUKUCK! My rubber friend, stretch, obects to your cannibalistic ways. Jon: I'd like to have just one meal in peace.
May 14, 2024
Sorry, Jon. That will never happen while Garf is with you.
Is it really cannibalism though?
Jon isn’t a chicken so eating chicken isn’t cannibalistic for him.
True but still, lol Hahahahhahhahah
heorotlinea over 10 years ago
Sorry, Jon. That will never happen while Garf is with you.
The Creative Username over 7 years ago
Is it really cannibalism though?
Jon isn’t a chicken so eating chicken isn’t cannibalistic for him.
M-girl over 3 years ago
True but still, lol Hahahahhahhahah