Garfield: Listen carefully, squeak. This is a mousetrap. Never, NEVER touch the tab in the center of it.
Mouse: You mean, this little tab here?
Garfield: This boy does not take direction well.
Mouse: Hey! That hurt!
this reminds me of when I was little and my mother told me not to touch the metal contacts inside a lamp because it was still plugged in, it was a shocking experience
Garffan83 over 11 years ago
of course, that would kill a real mouse
counttrukula about 11 years ago
some kill on contact, while others hold the mouse while starvation takes it’s toll. This is possible.
Comix Guy over 6 years ago
No, the tab over to the right.
The Grand Potato about 6 years ago
One time I got my finger caught in a mousetrap.
WentBrown almost 4 years ago
Squeak, Squeak, Squeak, you really need to think before you act.
lue_driver 11 months ago
this reminds me of when I was little and my mother told me not to touch the metal contacts inside a lamp because it was still plugged in, it was a shocking experience