Garfield by Jim Davis for May 28, 1989
"This is a story about high hopes dashed in the big city..." "It's not a pretty story, but I'm not a pretty cat..." "It was a dreary night in the warehouse district. I knew what I had to do... I had to open that door... No matter what..." "And then it happened..." "GASP!" "I had come this close to my big dramatic debut."
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Reminds me of Calvin’s alter ego Tracer Bullet.
Acne Warehouse… LOL
Constantinepaleologos over 14 years ago
Yeah, reminds me of Bullet too :)
Skater!!! over 12 years ago
oh Odie the clown
Venetus Alpha about 8 years ago
I <3 Calvin and Hobbes Tracer Bullet. But Tracer didnt have dashed dreams, he was happy where he was.
weatherford.joe over 2 years ago
Hey, is that Grimm in the third panel?
Scrambled Eggs over 1 year ago
Is this the first time the art in the Sunday title panel actually relates to the rest of the strip?
jasonbres 4 months ago
This strip was printed five days after the premiere of the TV special “Garfield’s Babes and Bullets”, which was based on the chapter from the 1984 book “Garfield: His 9 Lives”. Garfield reprises his role as Sam Spayed.