Garfield by Jim Davis for May 22, 1994
Man: Look at that cat. Woman: Too bad old Bowser isn't here. Man: He was a good dog. Woman: Old Bowser would have made an orange hat out of him. Man: Old Bowser would have made a cat taco with him. Woman: Yep, too bad old Bowser isn't here. Man: He was a good dog. Garfield: I hope they buried him deep.
glowing-steak32 over 9 years ago
Real deep. Real…REAL deep.
JacobRight1 over 4 years ago
Is no one in these comments going to make Mario-related jokes about the dog’s name?
Sans the Skeleton over 3 years ago
Bow bow
Julian Dieter about 3 years ago
Interesting couple
maneater 3 months ago
Gerald and Alice before they got locked up!