*grumble* Garfield: Time for a midnight snack. Chomp chomp chew chew GOLP GULP. BURP! Whoops. Ate the bulb again.
May 14, 2024
built-in headlight
that can"t work. If you eat a bulb, its still needs to be connected to power to work
When’s the last time Arlene was in a comic? It’s been a while.
catwad has a hole strip on the title panel and it is called share
syasikk about 10 years ago
built-in headlight
reply to this: (Winter themed) almost 4 years ago
that can"t work. If you eat a bulb, its still needs to be connected to power to work
richinsbree almost 3 years ago
When’s the last time Arlene was in a comic? It’s been a while.
rory.s.allen 11 months ago
catwad has a hole strip on the title panel and it is called share