Garfield by Jim Davis for January 26, 2006

  1. Img 2285
    glowing-steak32  over 9 years ago

    How about everything?

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  2. Garf with a gun
    Garfield with a gun  almost 2 years ago

    burned down mrs.Feeny’s house, got Jon arrested, locked all the neibors in their houses, crashed Jons car, beat up a ton of dogs, injured Odie, ate everything in the fridge, ate the fridge, blackmailed half the country, hacked a goverment document, fought a police officer, destroyed the house, burried Odie, ate Jons food, burned Jons food, did something that involed a swat team, messed up Jons date, ate the contence of a store, and much much more, >comment so more below, find out if I already put something by hitting ctrl+f and wrighting in what you want to comment!<

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