This actually has the kind of goofy charm I used to like Garfield for. If you really want something to complain about, look at Liz. All her character has been dumped out the window since she started dating Jon. Never mind that he’s “crude, wishy-washy, and a twerp,” as she put it.
And his antics, which would normally embarrass her to death, just make her smile like it’s so-o-o-o cute. Where did her sarcasm go? Where did the attitude that defined her go? She’s not a character anymore; she’s Jon’s trophy.
My favorite incarnation of Liz was on the cartoon. The cartoon felt more inclined to do a happy ending than the comics, so her dates with Jon were generally embarrassing but ended on a happy note. The result was that she and Jon were closer than in the comics, without sacrificing her character.
ladywolf17 over 15 years ago
So Garfield, who was the better listener?
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
I’ve had similar insults from my cats: “waaaaait, you’re not a scratching post?”
Jor-El over 15 years ago
I’m surprised that Jon can keep a potted plant alive.
JosePeterson over 15 years ago
This strip’s name should be changed to ‘Beating a Dead Horse’
patpel777 over 15 years ago
Hay schmoozeminkey is there anythink that you do like ??????????????????????????????
JonD17 over 15 years ago
wow, I actually laughed at this one!
AddADadaAdDad over 15 years ago
Another strip for the wall of The Department of Redundancy Department.
alondra over 15 years ago
This was funny as all get out. He can’t tell the difference between Jon and a potted plant because there IS no difference. Another good zinger on Jon.
tyrannusbe over 15 years ago
He really should wear a nametag… if not to avoid confusion with the potted plant, then to make sure his name is always spelled as Jon and not John.
Superfrog over 15 years ago
I’m not sure a name tag would help.
BananaSlug over 15 years ago
This actually has the kind of goofy charm I used to like Garfield for. If you really want something to complain about, look at Liz. All her character has been dumped out the window since she started dating Jon. Never mind that he’s “crude, wishy-washy, and a twerp,” as she put it.
And his antics, which would normally embarrass her to death, just make her smile like it’s so-o-o-o cute. Where did her sarcasm go? Where did the attitude that defined her go? She’s not a character anymore; she’s Jon’s trophy.
My favorite incarnation of Liz was on the cartoon. The cartoon felt more inclined to do a happy ending than the comics, so her dates with Jon were generally embarrassing but ended on a happy note. The result was that she and Jon were closer than in the comics, without sacrificing her character.
LibrarianInTraining over 15 years ago
I’m surprised Garfield didn’t EAT the potted plant. He used to do that a lot when the strip started.
JanLC over 15 years ago
LibrarianinTraining: He was getting ready to eat it. The whole name-tag thing is a distraction.
ninmas over 15 years ago
the plant probably has a more exciting personality……
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Right on, ninmas & pookid54. Watching paint dry would be more fun than doing time with Jon.
adoragem123 almost 4 years ago
garfield, you need glasses.
Choco almost 3 years ago
I wonder how long jon was watching him talk to a potted plant