Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for February 12, 2006
Scientist: Oh, pooh... Captain Victory: Because I draw my power from a radioactive comet, I'll aptly call myself... Captain Victorious! Y'know, only if no one's using it. Oh, hold on a sec... this is a good part... Great relaxation! Look at these abs! And I don't even have to work out! A mysterious scientist beckons a fiery radioactive comet to him when a distraction results in it veering off course! The scientist's bellowing neighbor becomes the unexpected recipent of the comet's attentions! But from the remains of the crash, the beer-swilling sloth emerges... ... Transformed! And so this celestial-powered titan went forth and protected the innocent and helped the helpless, when there was nothing much to watch on tv. And of course, he learned the most important lesson a hero can: With great power comes... Next: Negative effect! SMASH!
aNamee 10 months ago
He used to be Captain Victory I think. This comic lied!