scrappy lad: all right, the power should be just right, now! pfam! It worked! now I just retract it and it'l pull me-- whrr-- klonk!!
I thought 3rd time was the charm. I guess that doesn’t hold for Scrappy
This is SO Wile E. Coyote-ish! XD
Gargoyled to death… Sooo heavy.
Scrappy Lad must be heavier than he looks.
Gargoyles, My favorite crime fighting heroes!
The gargoyle looks like he enjoys it.
Looks more like he’s totally ticked because some stupid kid with a grappling gun disturbed his beauty sleep..Let sleeping gargoyles lie…
revtry almost 16 years ago
I thought 3rd time was the charm. I guess that doesn’t hold for Scrappy
Skarlett Premium Member almost 16 years ago
This is SO Wile E. Coyote-ish! XD
Yukoneric almost 16 years ago
Gargoyled to death… Sooo heavy.
chromosome almost 16 years ago
Scrappy Lad must be heavier than he looks.
Radical-Knight almost 16 years ago
Gargoyles, My favorite crime fighting heroes!
Castriff about 14 years ago
The gargoyle looks like he enjoys it.
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
Looks more like he’s totally ticked because some stupid kid with a grappling gun disturbed his beauty sleep..Let sleeping gargoyles lie…