Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for July 01, 2009

  1. X phan 64
    invisifan  over 15 years ago

    get him a pork barrel joke …

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  2. Lysanaponyavatarjpg
    BlueRaven  over 15 years ago

    EMET, what the Republicans did for eight years wasn’t sit on their glutes. They went out of their way to gut social services in the name of fighting a war we had no business starting. They hid the expenses by jiggering the budget reporting, making the deficit smaller than it really was. Obama’s reporting it accurately now, and people like you blame him.

    And why on EARTH would he want to destroy the economy? Some grand conspiracy theory involving his secret Muslim status? Or is it because he’s black and you assume he wants us all to live in poverty and eat soul food because we have to?

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  3. Superman 20logo 3
    Jor-El  over 15 years ago


    (My computer is down, but I have ways of keeping tabs here at the Fortress.)

    You are so right. This is Obama’s economy. He will double the national debt in 5 years…triple it in ten.

    The debt to GDP ratio under “W” was 1.7%.

    It will grow to over 13% as a result of Obama’s policies.

    (Note: A 10% ratio is unsustainable and will result in the collapse of the American economy.)

    Obama is a Marxist by his own admission. His socialist policies are anti-capitalist, and he holds disdain for the Constitution.

    Sadly, this is not the change the American people voted for as the Gallup Poll revealed that the majority of Americans are, in fact, conservative.

    Republicans got booted out of power because they stopped being conservative.

    Meanwhile, Germany’s Angela Merkel has decided that the best course of action to achieve economic growth is to cut taxes.

    JFK and Ronald Reagan knew that as well, and their pro-growth policies doubled tax revenues and promoted years of prosperity and economic growth.

    EMET, I may be out of action, but I got your back.

    The “A” Team can follow me here:

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  4. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  over 15 years ago

    Sorry, Emet and Jor-El, if you want to drive us away, you’re gonna have to try harder than that. It’s your elitism that has no place in the funny pages. And trust me, if you ever had anything funny to say, I’d be happy to smile at it.

    And as for Reagan, he borrowed lots of money and accrued lots of debt. By his own admission that was his greatest disappointment with his administration, and it was why his successor had to go back on his read-my-lips-no-new-taxes promise. If you want to find out how to balance the budget, study Clinton.

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  5. Superman 20logo 3
    Jor-El  over 15 years ago

    @Obama fanatics:

    There was a world leader who decided that he could manage the nation’s economy better than the private sector could.

    This leader claimed a vested state interest in private companies.

    He determined who would run the companies, what they would manufacture as well as compensation and profit margins.

    Unions were exempt from his restrictive policies because he was trying to socialize the labor force.

    Strict environmental regulations were one of the ways this leader exercised control.

    The people were seduced by his charismatic style.

    I could be referring to the “Anointed One”, Barack Obama.

    But, no, I’m referring to…

    “Il Duce”…

    …Benito Mussolini.

    I’m describing the economic landscape of World War ll Italy.

    In a word, what we are debating is…


    I know that liberals were not taught this by their Marxist professors.

    (I, too, was taught by the same professors who, themselves, were instructed by Obama’s terrorist friend–turned educator–Bill Ayers.)

    And were you aware that Mussolini and FDR were “pen pals”?

    FDR’s New Deal policies were praised in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.

    But it wasn’t called fascism in America.

    It was called…





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  6. Superman 20logo 3
    Jor-El  over 15 years ago

    And, yes, I’m calling FDR a fascist.

    That’s why he delayed America’s entry into World War ll even as millions of Jews were being exterminated.

    As for the Messiah, Barack Obama, if the shoe fits…

    …wear it.

    (Note: Just as Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler, Obama is trying to appease Iran whose leader wants to kill the rest of the Jews. Israel has no friend in the White House.)

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  7. Superman 20logo 3
    Jor-El  over 15 years ago


    Reagan’s economic wave carried H.W. Bush and Clinton.

    (Sorry, libs, but that’s the truth.)

    As for Clinton’s governance, he pretty much had to yield to the budget and welfare reforms that were pushed by the Republican-controlled Congress.

    That left him time to play with his Oval Office girlfriend, Monica. Remember the dress?

    Oh, and Obama has utter contempt and disregard for Merkel…and Sarkozy. (He dislikes sauerbraten… and Beef Liver A La Suisse is too “elitist”. Hey, Jo Jo?)

    He is an enemy of economic freedom, and that is the essence of a fascist.

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  8. Superman 20logo 3
    Jor-El  over 15 years ago


    With all due respect, Obama doesn’t want to “destroy the economy”.

    He wants to control it.

    If you have read my comments this is essentially the crux of the matter.

    The Founding Fathers never intended for the federal government to hold so much power. It’s basic function was to “provide for the common defense” like when Islamic terrorists fly airplanes into the WTC.

    Thomas Jefferson would not let this government stand as it is today.

    I ask you to pause and give that idea a long, hard thought.

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  9. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I’d rather he was controlling the economy than the Madoff wannabees that control it now!

    (from a pinko Canadian socialist on Canada Day!!)

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  10. Superman 20logo 3
    Jor-El  over 15 years ago


    I hope you see this.

    I agree with you. I am no fan of the blue-blood, country club Wall Street crowd who have pirated the economy.

    But Marxism is not the answer.

    Socialism has failed.

    Free market capitalism is the proven economic model to produce jobs, wealth and tax revenues.

    Hope you had a great Canada Day!

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  11. Mpj04069590000 1
    aforry  over 15 years ago

    Wow…it’s a comic strip. Laugh because it’s a homeless man holding the sign and move onto the next one:)

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