Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for September 23, 2009
bixby: Tyr, you grant victory to warriors in battle, right? Tyr: Right, but-- Bixby: As long as someone gives you an offering, yeah? tyr: Yeah, except-- Bixby: so why won't you help this guy if he's willing to pay? Tyr: 'cause not even diving intervention can help beetle bailey. bixby: At least get him off K.P. duty. guy's been doing it fro 50 years....
John Reiher Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hmm, interesting. According to the following page, Tyr takes one of two sacrifices:
Throwing a spear over the heads of your enemies before battle.
Sacrifice a man by hanging him.
I wonder which one Beetle Bailey used?
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
I figured Beetle for a Lutheran.
cwreenactor over 15 years ago
fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago
Bailey is an Irish name, no? I guess there are SOME Irish Lutherans, somewhere…
Lois in “Hi and Lois” is Beetle’s sister, so clues might be found there, but I’ve always thought Hi looked Jewish.
But: “Hi and Lois” was created by Mort Walker and taken over by Dik Browne. Dik Browne later created “Hagar the Horrible”, so if it turns out that Beetle and Lois are descended from Hagar, then Norwegian Lutheran would be a distinct possibility.