La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for April 13, 2003
Vero: Why are there so few Latino films? Cuco: And why do they mostly stink? Maybe Latinos should look to African-American cinema for inspiration. I can see it now... Man with cap: What do you mean "There are too many immigrants?" Man two: If we can't talk straight in a taco stand, where can we? Man in checked shirt: That eyebrow is ill! Cuco: Those ideas are contrived, derivative and lame! Eddie: You're right. We should get agents! "A comedy set in a San Fransisco neighborhood taqueria that th's the center of soical life, fromt he creators of 'Barbershop', it's...Burritoshop Or "An uptight Latina travels to Acapulco and falls for a muy guapo cliff diver/ cumbia instructor" How Consuelo go her Groove Back. "From the director of 'Friday' and the hairdresser of 'Frida' comes an art-house ghetto comedy sequel..." Next Frida