Back when I was in HS, I had one of those alarm clocks with the flip display for time (ancient technology). It also had the quirk of engaging the alarm with a very loud and obnoxious click. It got to the point for about a month where just before the alarm would go off, I would be having a dream where something made a loud click: a door being unlocked, a twig snapping, any number of things. When I heard that click in my dream, I was up and out of bed trying to silence the alarm before the buzzer went off.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’ve had this dream myself.
K M over 10 years ago
Back when I was in HS, I had one of those alarm clocks with the flip display for time (ancient technology). It also had the quirk of engaging the alarm with a very loud and obnoxious click. It got to the point for about a month where just before the alarm would go off, I would be having a dream where something made a loud click: a door being unlocked, a twig snapping, any number of things. When I heard that click in my dream, I was up and out of bed trying to silence the alarm before the buzzer went off.
louieglutz over 10 years ago
in a perfect society, time would not exist.